9 Untold Tactics for Engineering Students


Engineering is one of the most difficult and challenging courses in the world, with rigorous practical’s and theoretical exams every semester. Engineering can become quite the strenuous course.  In the spree of scoring good grades and job security, you fail to utilize your four years in college for what it is actually meant for and fall prey to the age-old monotony of attendance and grades.

So, if you are an engineering student, reading this article that there are some untold tactics that will help you survive these 4 years at the university.

Keep these tactics in mind so that you don’t feel like you wasted your college life on graduation day!

  1. Invent stuff

  • Engineers like Thomas Edison, Archimedes, Nikola Tesla, and The Wright Brothers have played a huge part in the development of the world.
  • Where Edison invented the light bulb and phonograph, The Wright Brothers created an airplane.
  • Throughout the years, many inventors have contributed in both the elevation and evolution of an invention.

So while you are living your college years, don’t waste time reading what these inventors have invented in the past. Rather, learn from them, get inspired, and invent something of your own. Build something that creates an impact on the society.

Keep learning and improving your knowledge!

  1. Don’t just focus on attendance

  • Passing the minimum attendance criteria has been of great importance in almost every college and it has always been a highly debated subject among students all over the world.
  • But the worries of attendance should never come in the way of creating something extraordinary.
  • If it hinders you from achieving your goals, then try to work out a way. Try befriending your professors and tell them about your ideas, they will support you for sure!

You can take a day off from college and stay at home/hostel and take Information Technology assignment help or assistance from the Programming language assignment expert. It will help you learn some important skills that will be of great importance in the future.

  1. Socialize and make new friends

  • Engineering is as much about life experience as it is about education. The life experience that boosts you up when you’re down and strengthens you when you’re weak.
  • Having a good company helps you survive the four torturous years of college.
  • Make a bunch of friends who give you positive vibes and encourage you whenever you’re feeling down.
  • Plus the added benefit is, if your friends are from diversified fields, then you can also learn from them. Having knowledge of other fields also comes in handy.

So during your engineering days, make friends who are like your family, who take your stand, and support you no matter what. Time spent with such people will be worth remembering.

  1. Join clubs

  • Apart from studying course-related subjects, you should also enroll yourself in some of the clubs that will help you relax and in some cases give you a different perspective when required.
  • Maintaining good grades is no doubt very important, but after-college activities reveal a great deal about your interests and your abilities which you may not have discovered in the classroom.

Extra-curricular activities of different clubs help refresh your mind and also help you make new friends and pick up new hobbies.

  1. Befriend your seniors and learn from them

  • Befriending your seniors could be of great help in the future.
  • As they are more experienced and have spent years in the college, they can help you through it.
  • You can take suggestions from them and you could also get some fantastic ideas if you share your ideas with them.

These people are going to grow with you and will be very influential in your life for the next 2-3 years.

  1. Quit Procrastinating

  • Procrastinating is something that becomes a common practice for students while transitioning from school to college.
  • But this isn’t high school anymore! If you want to score good CGPA, contribute to your club, obtain internships in the future, and have time for your friends and family – you need to stop messing around!
  • After the first year, you are going to realize that you have a lot less time in your hands.
  • You not only have studied, but you also have other responsibilities (probably inventing stuff) that will consume your time. So utilize it well!

Take professional help when required like Information Technology assignment help when required or enlist assistance from Programming language assignment expert to clear all your doubts.

  1. Don’t just focus on marks

  • In school, having high grades defined success but that changes tremendously in college. It doesn’t mean that grades aren’t important but other parts of life also come into play in college.
  • Apart from having the bookish knowledge, practical knowledge of the subject is equally important.
  • It’s no longer just about the grades, landing an internship with practical skills is also significant.
  • Many big organizations recruit experienced candidates and since engineering is a very competitive course, you need to have some field training while you are still in college.

You need to think of the future – what you want to become and what qualities or additional degrees you need to get it. Learn some soft skills and seek out additional opportunities for growth!

  1. Manage money

  • Students, especially living in hostels or PG’s develop a habit of spending extensively especially during the first year of college. You might be an engineering student but you need to learn the skills of finance management first.
  1. Ask your parents to get you a laptop

  • Since you are a grown up now and pursuing a course in engineering, you should not shy away from asking your parents to get you a personal laptop.
  • Every engineering student needs their own laptop as it involves a lot of technological work.
  • The laptop should be purchased while keeping in mind the processor, RAM, graphics card, etc.

Having a personal laptop provides you with the technical feasibility required for practical assignments and gives you easy access to Information Technology assignment help and  Programming language assignment help expert when required. It also increases your productivity and you can get timely data for assignment and research papers.



College life opens you up to a new environment and helps you grow, but don’t go too crazy. You only have a few years at the university and you need to make the most out of them. So don’t listen to what your parents or relatives have to say – You need to study 6 hours a day to get good grades or should be a bookworm, and BLAH BLAH!

It’s not at all like that. You need to take advantage of opportunities, meet new people, and give yourself space and time to grow!

It would be a shame to waste four years throwing ping pong balls around in the basement!


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