Follow These Five Steps To Be Successful In Writing Expository Essays


Writing seems to be a difficult task. It isn’t easy because a lot of research is required to present valuable content. To produce good content, ideas need to be linked, sentences need to be properly made. Then only is the reader or evaluator able to understand the basic point of views and arguments of your content.

Topics on essays can be regarding anything from explaining how computers have changed our lives to describing you’re the favorite vacation destination. All type of topics is covered under different types of essays written differently.

Types of Essays

  • Formal Essays 
  • Informal Essays
  • Expository Essays


Formal Essay

  • In formal essay, the choice of words is quite simple.
  • Jargon words are to be avoided.
  • Everything is mechanically put.
  • The essay is written in the third person and the tense used is according to you’re content and time period.
  • Stick to one particular tense.
  • Don’t shift tense because it’s one of the most distracting things for readers to endure.
  • Sentence structure used for writing a formal essay is simple and short -consists of a noun, a verb and naming a word.
  • An expository essay is an example of formal essay.

Informal Essays

  • In informal essay, the choice of words put to use is fancier and its presented in a story format.
  • Its written for enjoyment and recreation.
  • Relaxed and less rigid sentence structure.
  • The tense put to use is again according to the content and time period.
  • Informal essay is often written in conversational style, it is as though the writer is directly speaking to the reader.

Expository essays

  • Expository essays are written from a point of view to explain a topic in a logical and straightforward manner.
  • They are assigned to academic settings.
  • Without bells and whistles, expository essays present a fair and balanced analysis of a subject predicated on facts—wif no references to the writer’s opinions or emotions.
  • An expository essay encourages the usage of words like “explain” or “specify”  such as “ explain how technology has affected student lives”.
  • Notice there is no hard and fast rule for you to form an opinion or argument on whether or not technology has affected student lives.
  • The prompt asks the scribbler to “explain,” plain and simple.

 Five-Step Writing Process for Expository Essays

Usually, expository essay consists of five paragraphs. The first paragraph encompasses the thesis or main idea. The second, third and fourth paragraph provides details to support the thesis. The last paragraph which is concluding paragraph summarizes the main thought and links all the major points of the essay.

Here are a few tips for writing an expository essay that you should follow if you are looking for good grades:

1. Prewriting for Essay

In prewriting of an essay, students must conceptualize their topic and idea. The next step is to do research and takes down pointers. The last part is to create an outline showing the information that has to be presented in each paragraph, organized in logical steps.

2. Drafting The Expository Essay

When drafting the initial expository essay, consider the following suggestions:

  • The most important part of the introductory paragraph is the topic sentence, which states the central idea of the essay.
  • The thesis should be pellucidly stated without taking or giving any opinion. An appropriate thesis is defined with a manageable scope that can be suitably addressed within a five-paragraph essay.
  • Each paragraph should cover different points in support of you’re topic that develops the essay’s thesis. The sentences should hit the facts and examples in support of the paragraph’s topic.
  • The concluding paragraph should reinstate the thesis and the main supporting ideas. Avoid introducing any new ideas.
  • The expository essay should be written in the third person(he, she, or it) and avoid first and second person ( me and You) because it explains an event, situation, or views of others and not personal experience.

3. Revising the Expository Essay

In the revising part, students must go through their essay thoroughly. Students must check, modify and reorganize their work to make it the best it can be.

Keep the following considerations in you’re mind while going through your essay:

  • Does the essay give unbiased reasoning that spreads logically, using the needed facts and examples?
  • Are the details effectively communicated to the reader?
  • Watch out for the “paragraph sprawl”- occurs when writer deviates from the topic and adds unnecessary details.
  • Is the structure of the sentence correct? Whether the correct word has been used?
  • Do the transitions in the middle of sentences make sense and is it helping the reader understand?
  • The concluding paragraph – Is it communicating the value and essence of the thesis and key supporting ideas?

4. Editing Expository Essay

  • Next is to rectify the grammatical errors.
  • Proofread; correct the grammatical errors and mechanics.
  • Edit the style if  the essay looks deconstructed
  • Improve your writing style before submitting the essay.
  • After proofreading and correcting the errors you may find that there are no more of errors. But to be on the safer side tell one of you’re friends to have a look as well.
  • A pair of fresh eyes can spot the new errors easily and edit the essay with a fresh perspective.

5. Publishing the Expository Essay

Sharing your work with friends and teachers can be intimidating and exciting. Keep in mind, everybody is sensitive about their work. The important thing is to learn something from the review or feedback so that your next piece can be better.

Essay variations

Essay writing is a huge part of the academic world. Students are given various types of essays to work on during their academic years, including different types of essays:


  • Definition Essays: Explains the meaning of words, term or concept. The topic can be objective such as a tree or an animal, or it can be an abstract term such as freedom or peace. This type of essay should discuss the indication or denotation of the word.
  • Classification Essays: Break down the essay into groups, start from general category explanation and mechanically enter into the specific classification.
  • Compare and Contrast Essays: Illustrate the similarities and differences between two or more people, place or things. Contrast highlights how different they are.
  • Cause and Effect Essays: Describe how things affect each other and are dependent on each other for example: ‘if x tan y’.
  • The“How To”- Essays: These types of essays are called process or procedure essays or how to do something with the objective of instructing the reader.


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