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BMC 205 Assignment 3: Entrepreneur Interview
Research papers reveal students' abilities to analyze, synthesize, and engage with course material
and/or externalresources. This assignment is meant to identify how course concepts are applied in a
‘real world’ business and foryou to assess the effectiveness of strategies chosen by that business. This
is important because entrepreneurs arevery important in Canadian business.
In addition to finding an entrepreneurial candidate to interview, you will need to do additional
research (e.g. looking ahead at course materials and checking out small business websites) to
support your assessment of their tasks and strategies. This exercise will also help you evaluate what
it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and/or business manager.
Please refer to the rubric at the end of this document for evaluation details.
- Find an entrepreneur/owner of a small to medium-sized business who will agree to participate.
- Choose a business that is sufficiently large (more than 3 employees). A 1 or 2-
person business with limited growth potential will not necessarily provide
enough substance for your analysis. If you wishto choose a 1 or 2-person
business, please discuss this with your instructor first.
- You may NOT choose yourself or an ‘intrapreneur’ for the project. An
‘intrapreneur’ is someone who behaves like an entrepreneur but who works
within a large company.
- If you have any questions or concerns about your interview choice, please
discuss them with your instructor.
- See the Requirements section for document formatting and submission expectations.
1.The report should be 1500-2000 words (not including title page, appendices, or bibliography). Use clear
and concise sentences. For information regarding report writing, you may review the UCalgary Writing
Services’ Report Writing Guidelines.
- Formatting:
- 1 inch document margins
- Numbered pages
- CMOS or APA style (worth overall 5%) is to be used consistently. For help with the Chicago (CMOS) or
APA style, visit the OWL – Purdue’s Online Writing Lab.
- Upload the final version of your report (.doc/.docx) format to the Assignment 3 Dropbox on D2L.