Know the Process of Writing Assignment with the Help of Example


Are you stuck while writing assignments?

Need guidance about writing assignments? Then you are at the right platform; in this blog our best assignment help experts will guide you how to write assignments step by step and they will explain it with the help of examples. So, read our blog and know the process details.

Before going to any step, we should know what the assignment is actually. Assignment denotes the act of assigning something; it may be a written task, research etc. Basically the word ‘assignment’ is related with academic level and sometimes it goes with business too. In academics, students are given assignments to check their knowledge regarding the topic, their skill, decision making power, notes making capacity, application of theories in real life etc. But there are many students who fail to do so, due to lack of proper training and guidance. Below we have mentioned the process of writing assignments step by step.

Follow the guideline and use it while writing.

1. As you have got the assignment, start working on it as early as possible. It will help you to devote enough time to think, research, write and rectify your faults. Later, if you feel, to improve some part, you can easily do that.

2.  The important thing of writing an assignment is to understand the topic very carefully. Make sure that you have analyzed the topic and understand what to add and what not. It will help you to focus on the research.

3. Next you need to do thorough research on the given topic and find necessary information regarding it. Sometimes, you will get some of the material in your course material but that will not be enough, you need to add more information and accumulate it from different sources like online, different books collected from library etc.

4. Before writing, you need to do a thorough planning and make sure how you will deck it up. Here you may decide what structure, pattern and writing style you will follow and be sure that you have collected all the information correctly.

5. Now you need to start writing. Before writing the final copy, you may make a draft of your assignment and check it carefully to understand what flaws are there. Feel free to write, don’t think about the faults. By following every heading and subheading, complete the assignment. Don’t spend a lot of time making this draft perfect. Don’t forget that this draft is just for your own sake, later you need to make the final copy too. So, spending too much time on it would be a wrong decision.

6. Revise your draft twice or thrice. Check it with proofreading software and make sure that it is 100% flawless.

Below, we have given a sample of assignment. Check it properly and see the process of how to write academic assignments properly.



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Your Name

Title of Course

Name of the Professor


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Your Last Name 2

Body of the Work


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Your Last Name 4


1st: —–

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How Sleep is Useful for Our Health

Your Name

Title of Course

Name of Professor


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                                                                     Your Last Name 2

Whenever we think about the basic needs of our life, most of us say food to make us healthy, clothes for wrapping our body and protecting it from extreme cold and scorching heat and a home to reside in. The most interesting fact is that we never consider sleep as the need of staying healthy. There is evidence that people can live at least three minutes without air, four to seven days without water and approx forth to forty five days without food. But none is interested in knowing the importance of sleep for our body and how long people can survive without sleep.

At an academic level, almost every student faces the difficulties of inadequate sleep especially when the examinations knock at the door. Whenever we don’t get enough sleep, we feel completely different and the result is obviously negative for our health. In a study it is found that there are some people who feel good even after taking sleep only for a few hours. But there are various kinds of problems that are related to sleep deviation. Persons who don’t have enough sleep may lose attention quickly. It makes them distracted from the focus point. Even if we don’t get enough sleep, our body does not function properly and it leads to the breakdown of our health.

For our well being sleep is necessary. For every individual, the need for sleep is different. So, for the well-being of us, proper sleep is needed.

(It is written in brief just to make you understand the pattern of writing. While writing you need to add more information.)

Conclusion: I hope by reading this blog, you’ll get a clear idea about writing an assignment. If you still have doubts, you can ask our assignment writer. For more updates log on to our official website GotoAssignmentHelp and see the details of availing our skilled experts and order now for completing your assignments.

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