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United Nations Office for the Humanitarian Affairs Policy Options for Afghanistan Humanitarian Crises- Peace and Conflict
International conflict is also known as conflict between economies which can be defined as a state of abnormal situation reason by actual objection regarding its needs, interests or values in between the people who are working together in a nation. In case of any nation, there is many forms of conflicts, which may be taken in a different manner. Therefore, there is unavoidable clash, which is happening in between the power of those individuals who are affected and the formal authority. In addition to this, there are several disputes considering the divination of the revenues, along with the process of working methods, and the time regarding working had in a nation. For this purpose, there are several jurisdictional disagreements approaches, which are offered in between individuals, departments, and between unions and management. On the other hand, there are several forms of conflicts in nations, which are related to rivalries, jealousies, personality clashes, role definitions, and struggles for power and favour. In accordance with there also notified another type of conflicts, which are occurred among the individuals in between demand, and competing requirements. With the help of these rivalries, an individual can respond in various ways. Conflicts in an organization are generally 3 types which are as follows: personal conflict, intergroup and intragroup conflict.
Therefore, there is negative vibration and associated parties have a negative impact due to this conflict situation in a nation. In general, there are five stages, which are related to the organizational conflict. They are as follows: latent conflict, perceived conflict, felt conflict, manifest conflict, conflict aftermath.
On the other hand, there are several reasons behind the international conflict. Out of them, any victory in respect with one party is turn into defeat or dissatisfaction for another one, thereby it is considered as one of the causes of the international conflict. In addition to this due to the sharp incompatibility of interest is another reason for workplace conflict situation.
Therefore as per the criteria of the assignment, here the chosen topic is United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs in Afghanistan. Hence, according to the report criteria, the entire conflict situation is described here along with the management strategies to control these issues and its consequence results.
Description of organization:
As per the chosen organization, United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs is consider an international institution through which different countries can avail the loan amount for its capital projects. There are two key institutions, which are considered as main part of the prime institutions, which are the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA)[1]. According to the main goal of the world, the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs is considered a reduction of humanitarian crisis.
To conduct all the operations of this bank there is a requirement of strong leadership. Therefore, in the case of entire United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs group, the leader who is known as the president of this organization plays the main function or role. Hence as per the activities of the president who is responsible for the chairing the meetings as the board of directors for the purpose of overall management of the bank. As per the tradition of the bank, the president is nominated from the citizen of the US who is the largest shareholder s of the bank. Along with the president, 25 executive directors are associated with the board of directors. There are 189 member countries, which are connected with The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. On the other hand, there are 173 member countries, which are related to the International Development Association. In accordance with as per the report of 2010, there is voting power which helps to increase the voice of developing countries such as United States (15.85%), Japan (6.84%), China (4.42%), Germany (4.00%), the United Kingdom (3.75%), France (3.75%), India (2.91%), Russia (2.77%), Saudi Arabia (2.77%) and Italy (2.64%).
United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs has separate sections to manage all the activities of this bank, which are as follows:
Global Operations Knowledge Management Unit: for the purpose of enhancement of global knowledge, learning process, innovation, and activities regarding the reduction of poverty, there is a separate unit, which are managed by United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs [2]. Therefore, United Nations follows four key strategies to manage these types of activities, which are considered as necessary tools to achieve the developmental results. The strategies are innovation for development, knowledge exchange, leadership and coalition building, and structured learning.
Global Development Learning Network: near about 80 countries across the world, this unit is considered as partnership unit over 120 learning centres for promoting the events, which connect with people around the world among the countries due to learning and dialogue on development issues. There are several NGO s, government, the private sector, and development agencies, which are considered as the typical client of this section of the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs. Purpose of this sector is to find about the better work together on subregional, regional or global development issues.
United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs follows various strategies for the purpose of different activities among the world, which are as follow: Country assistance strategies through which United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs maintain a guideline for different operations in any particular country. On the other hand, another strategy is a humanitarian crisis reduction strategy through which it assists the poorest developing countries in the world with the help of extensive analysis of the humanitarian situation of a country.
Conflict/ crisis summary:
In the case of the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs, there is a lot of conflicts which are faced by them due to various strategies to manage all the activities regarding in this organization. As there is a number of employees along with several strategies, which varies from different countries, therefore, there is a proper situation to raise the conflict condition in that organization. Therefore, in case of United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs situation, a critical development challenge is known as Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) which is responsible for threatens efforts related to end extreme poverty, affecting both low- and middle-income countries[3]. As per the assumption by the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs organization, by 2030, in case of conflict-affected situation, the share of extremely poor living is expected to rise above 50 %. In addition to this among all the humanitarian needs, conflicts also raise near about 80%. On the other hand, there are with the help of two percentage points per year on an average, gross domestic product growth can be reduced.
In accordance with this since 2010, there is a violent conflict, which has raised dramatically. Therefore, the landscape due to fragility becomes more complex in nature. As a result of fragility risk, there is observed some issues such as Climate change, rising inequality, demographic change, new technologies, illicit financial flows and other global trends. Hence for this fragility risk both low and middle-income countries are affected. Therefore, with the help of addressing Fragility, conflict, and violence, the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs organization is focusing on these issues. In addition to this, the organization has a responsibility regarding emphasizing prevention and acting early on the basis of this issue for the purpose of resolution. In accordance with United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs also engaged in active conflicts, as a result, the conflicted countries are going through transitions to peace. Therefore, to deliver in challenging environments, United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs requires Stronger collaboration with humanitarian, development, peace and security partners which is critical for this organization such as in the response to the famine of this organization.
In addition to this force, displacement is considered as a developing world crisis, which must be known as a collective action. According to the report of end 2015, there were near about 65 million refugees and internally displaced people, out of which near about 95% were living in developing countries. Additionally, more over half of them were displaced for more than four years. Therefore, since 19991, In case of each and every year, same 10 conflicts which belong to the same root, that is considered for the major portion of the forcibly displaced conflict situation. Hence, this situation is hosted by near about 15 countries consistently and this forceful situation is observed in developing countries [4].
The Challenge of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence
Therefore as per the situation, 2 billion people live in the countries where with the help of fragility, conflict, and violence, the developmental outcomes are affected. In addition to this as per all humanitarian needs, more about 80% are driven out due to conflicts. Therefore, at least half of the poor population among the world, people will be living in fragile and conflict-affected settings by the year 2030. Hence, forced displacement is considered as the crisis regarding developed world where 95% of refugees along with internally displaced people who are living in the developing countries.
On the other hand, there is another conflict situation, which is faced by the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs. Resilience in water: in case of Tanzania, which is considered as the last village where the land is fertile and the production of farming products are lucrative but water-related conflicts are a very strong situation in that atmosphere which is observed in between farmers and sectors. As per there climate, aridity situation is noticed in that area which is responsible for the low availability of water which is utilized for drinking, farming, and eventually, hydropower production. Therefore as per the situation of that area water is already oversubscribed so the communities and different types of business are depended on the ways through which they can survive in this new reality.
Humanitarian Overview
The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Initiative
The human development peace initiative is to consider a joint venture by united nation along with two primary institutions of United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs group. The organisation plays a complementary role to mitigate the different conflicts situation therefore with the help of fragility, conflict and violence has great effect towards the working methods, which is, consider a new way across the human development peace nexus among the countries [5].
Responding to complex risks in complementary ways:
Therefore, for the purpose of growing recognition several initiatives are taken by this organization in which humanitarian, development, and peace building efforts are consider as complementary task. In addition to this, there is a requirement of reinforcing to each other along with for the purpose of response to the volatile situation across the world [6]. Though there is the demand of urgent response due to humanitarian crises, therefore different developmental institutions are visited by the international community such as to provide socio-economic solutions on the basis of the long term the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs has engaged to prevent violent conflict and reduce the humanitarian need in earlier basis. Therefore, for the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs, the initiative is to consider a priority basis where the way is responsible to handle all the challenges related to fragility and forced displacement through collective action.
Collaborating to deliver a comprehensive response:
In addition to this, the united nation and United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs will recognize different collective outcomes through which it can deliver integrated. Along with comprehensive results for the purpose of responding to the risk across the all over countries which is under The human development peace initiative where protracted crisis and post-crisis situations are related to this issues [7]. Therefore sharing data, joint analysis and assessment of the requirements are included under this response. In addition to this, there is also included multi-year planning regarding peace, developmental operations and humanitarian which are consider as crucial part for the purpose of enabling the collaboration among the countries [8]. Therefore, the main aim is to consider as the required mechanism for the purpose of improvement of coordination and coherence regarding the support of the united nation and United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs due to the recovery and peace consolidation [9].
In Afghanistan there is a huge humanitarian crisis which has result of long-standing armed conflict, therefore it shows a disrespectful drought, as a result massive population migration is occurred. In addition to this there is developing a mess situation where the economy, government, and health care system is affected. There is no essential food, water, shelter, and basic medical care through which population can be survived. Hence, in this location humanitarian relief has great danger. Therefore it provides basic framework which provides humanitarian medical relief [10]. Therefore, as a result, there is promoting of both strategy and planning which will help to provide several, recommendations related to un agencies, the government, United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs , and development partners.
Strategies to control conflicts in United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs:
There are several strategies, which are utilized as a toolkit to manage these types of conflicts in United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs which are as follows:
Risk and Resilience Assessments: with the help of this process United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs serves the importance of country engagement along with it prepare the framework related to the Systematic Country Diagnostics (SCD) and Country Partnership Frameworks (CPF). The main motto of these methods is to identify proper risks.
Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessments: Through this process, United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs creates a platform to assist governments and their associated partners for the purpose of recovery and peacebuilding activities, which are planned and implemented.
Joint United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs Study: it is known as inclusive approaches through which United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs can prevent violent conflict [11].
Forcibly Displaced Flagship Study: With the help of this study, United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs identify the information through which the challenge and development approaches promote as a solution for the support of both refugees and host communities [12].
As per the present scenario, violent conflicts are known as complex issues for the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs. Therefore, for the purpose of mangling all the issues United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs choose the pathways for peace where it can apply the several approaches related to preventing violent conflict.
It is considered a joint strategy of the united nation and United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs. With the help of these strategies, United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs can improve the way where domestic development processes should interact with security, diplomacy, mediation, and other efforts to mitigate different conflicts regarding violent.
Contributors ought to react enough to the substantial size of compassionate need in Afghanistan, completely subsidizing the UN bid and giving extra direct help to help offices.
In accordance with Good Humanitarian Donorship standards, all benefactors ought to deliberately elevate flexibility to repetitive cataclysmic event by offering help to Afghan establishments, NGOs and neighborhood networks for calamity chance decrease, crisis readiness job backing and social assurance.
To address endless helpful need and extended removal, givers and help entertainers should organize to guarantee that philanthropic and improvement subsidizing and writing computer programs are associated and reciprocal. Successfully seeking after post-2015 advancement objectives, including job creation and training, is expected to handle the hidden reasons for philanthropic emergencies and fabricate flexibility.
The necessities of powerless gatherings - especially ladies, kids, inside dislodged individuals and evacuee returnees - ought to be organized. Contributors ought to give money related and specialized help to the Solutions Methodology for Afghan Refugees and the National IDP Policy.
Contributors should support, and help organizations give, programming that is setting touchy. Help entertainers should work unbiasedly with all individuals from the network. Givers should join adaptability in the board of assets furthermore, investigate remote administration conceivable outcomes
Therefore as per the scenario and criteria of the assignment, here the paper is discussed about the conflicts in an organization in which the chosen group is United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs. Hence, all the conflict situation regarding the United Nations office for the humanitarian affairs is described here along with its possible recommendation for the purpose of the knowledge of the learner.
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