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consumer behaviour
All the questions are in relation with consumer behaviour.
Q.1 Discuss the reference group influences and determine what kind of influence you would use when considering the purchase of a luxury brand.( 400 words)
i) Using journal articles list the type of reference groups.
ii) Discuss the group influences:- Informational, Utilitarian and Value- Expressive
Q.2 Individual differences often affect how much an individual is affected by reference groups. Provide two individual difference variables that may affect a consumer when considering the purchase of a luxury brand. ( 400 words)
i) From journal articles explain how individual differences affects consumer choice decisions
ii) From journal articles define and explain 2 individual differences and explain how they affect the consumers choice in luxury brands .( Interpersonal influence, social comparison, embarrassment and separateness-connectedness)
Q.3 Define reference groups. (400 words) Which are the THREE reference groups that may be relevant for luxury brands and products?
i) Using journal articles define the reference groups and the types of reference groups ( There are more than 5 groups).
NOTE:- Chicago 17th Reference style.