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MBA6150 – Working Across Cultures Cultural Reflections Journal
Marking Guide
Descriptions – 10 Marks
- To what extent are the descriptions of each cultural event clear?
- Is it easy for the reader to understand the situations that the writer faced?
- Are the cultural interactions clear from the descriptions?
Reflections – 10 Marks
- Is there a sense of reflection, contemplation, or questioning that comes out in
the journal? - Does the key element of culture emerge in this stage of reflection?
- Is there a recognition or identification of the cultural differences that may have given rise to this event?
Analysis – 10 Marks
- In what way does the writer then attempt to link each cultural interaction with
some or other reference material? (text, article, video, news, etc.) - Is the link from the reference to the described cultural event clear?
- Is the encouragement or support that the writer found by referring to these
examples clearly explained?
Managerial, Application – 10 Marks
- Does the writer explore ways that this learning could be applied? (either in a
past or future work situation, in their personal life, or other real-life situation) - What are the lessons-learned from the experiences described in the journal?
(NB: it's also ok if these lessons are not yet clear to the writer, in that case do
they describe why it is still unclear, or suggest some possible lessons that may
emerge later) - Are there aspects of their own cultural heritage that they now view in a
different light, as a result of these cultural interactions?
Word Count Limit: 2500 Words
Expected Price Quote: 155 USD Only
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