What are the differences between APA and MLA?


What are the differences between APA and MLA?Are you searching to know the differences between APA and MLA styles of referencing?

Are you a student? Then this blog is going to be apt for you; here present our coursework help Online experts will guide you regarding the most important types of referencing style with examples. So, read the blog and know about these styles of formatting in detail. 

The term ‘APA’ refers to American Psychological Association and ‘MLA’ refers to Modern Language Association. APA style is generally used in social science, on the other hand, MLA style is used in the section of humanities. But to use them in our writing, we need to know about them in detail. Before going into any differences we need to know their definition.

What is APA Style of Referencing?

APA or American Psychological Association citation style is generally used in the social sciences and it has its own format. In a document, if you found APA is written at the end of the document, then that particular writing is written in APA style of referencing format. 

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Different types of publications and sources follow APA referencing style but the format is slightly different. Below our assessment help experts have included some examples that will help you to understand it better. 


The name of the author, A.A. (year of publication). Name of the book or title of the work. Name of the city of the publisher, name of the state: name of Publisher. 

Lorenz, T.K. (1987). Foundations of the Socio-Economic Culture; an orbital approach. Boston: Royal Marvel Press. 


The name of the author, and year of publication (keep it in bracket). Title of the article. Periodical title, number of volumes, pp (number of pages). 

Rosette, G. (1878). The modern-day relationship between the teachers and the students. Special Education and Special Relationship between the Teachers and the Students, 18(7-8), 196-199. 


Name of the author, (year, month, and date of publication). The title of the article. Title of the Magazine, pp. xx-xx

Hoft, P. (2017, December 02). Dog of Elysium. Dail Iranian, pp. 5-8 


Name of the author, (year, month, and date of publication). Title of the article. Retrieved from URL (mention the URL of the page from where you have collected the material). 

Wordsworth, C. (2008, September 06). The Tale of Two Mascots.

If you notice the above-mentioned examples minutely, you will find the last name of the authors or writers are written first and then the first letter of the first name is written. As you write you name of the author, after that you need to mention the date of publication. 

But in the case of in-text citation style, you don’t need to include a lot of things, only the last name of the writer and the year of publication are needed and these two pieces of information are separated by a comma. Here you can also use the page number if it is available. Below we have given an example for your understanding.

If the number of the writer is one, then the style of referencing will be 

(Mask, 1878). 

If the number of the writer is more than one, then you need to follow the below mentioned format:

(Leones, Sawyer, and Bhutto, 1949)

What is MLA Style of Referencing?

MLA or Modern Language Association style of citation is mainly used in the humanities. If you found the words “Works Cited”, then seeing it, you will understand that that particular work has followed MLA referencing style. Below we have added some examples of MLA style of citation to make you understand its format in different kinds of publications and sources.


The surname of the penman, first name of the penman. ‘Title of the article’. Name of the journal, volume number (year of publication of the journal): page numbers. Source of information.

 Swift, Tom. “The Portraits of Barcelona”. The Portraits are drawn by famous artisans of Barcelona and the council of artists 16.8-9 (1898): 156-59. Web.


The surname of the penman, first name of the penman. “Title of the article”. Name of newspaper with the date of publication: page numbers. Source of information.

 Soni, Anand. “The Criminal Entity.” Sunday Special News 12 Nov. 2012. Print.


Last name of the author, first name of the author. “Title of the page”. Title of the website. Name of the institution, sponsor, or publisher. Date of publication: page numbers. Source of information. 

Wordsworth, Catherine. The Tale of Two Mascots. Pearland. N.p. 2009. Web. 15 Oct. 2011. 

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Last name of the author, first name of the author. Title of the Book. Name of the city of the publisher: Name of publisher, year of publication. Source of information. 

Lorenz, Tom K. Foundations of the Socio-Economic Culture; an orbital approach. Boston: Royal Marvel Press, 1987. Print. 

If you check the example of MLA style of referencing, you will find that the full names and titles of the authors are required here. At the end of the reference, you need to add the date of publication; and most importantly this particular referencing style seeks the source of specific information. 

If you want to follow the in-text citation format in MLA style, then you need to mention the last name of the author with the page number. Here, you can’t use commas to separate the information. Below our essay helper have given an example for your understanding.

If the number of the writer is one, then the style of referencing will be 

(Mask 1878). 

If the number of the writer is more than one, then you need to follow the below mentioned format:

(Leones, Sawyer, and Bhutto 1949)

What are the Basic Differences between APA and MLA Style of Referencing?

  • APA style of formatting is mainly used in social sciences. On the other hand, the MLA style is mainly used in the humanities sector. 
  • In APA style, the date of publication is written just after the name of the author. On the other hand in MLA style, the name of the author and page numbers are written in the format of in-text citation. 
  • In APA style, to mention the source of information, you need to write “References”, but in MLA style the source of information is written as “Works Cited.”
  • In APA style, only the first letter of the necessary words is kept in the capital, and the title is kept in italic. On the other hand, the title is kept underlined and the major words of the title are kept in the capital. 
  • In APA style, the usage of commas is found, but in MLA style, commas are not used in an in-text citation format. 
  • In APA style, you need to mention only the last name of the author, and his or her first name is written in initial forms. But in MLA style, you need to mention the full name of the author. 
  • In APA style, you need to mention the author’s last name and after that, the year of publication then followed by page numbers, if it is available. But in MLA style, in an in-text citation format, only the author’s name and page numbers are needed. 

Conclusion: I hope after reading the blog you have got a clear idea regarding the difference between APA and MLA styles of referencing. While reading the blog, if you find any kind of difficulty or want to know more about these referencing styles or need any help regarding assignment writing, then you can ask our make my assignment Australia experts by just visiting our official website GotoAssignmentHelp.com and avail types of services that you need. Just login our website and place your order now.

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