What is the MLA Style in Academic Writing?


Are you a student? Do you want to know MLA style in academic writing? Then this blog is going to be helpful for you; in this blog, our assignment writing service Australia experts will guide you regarding MLA style in detail. I hope it would help you to understand it better and it will surely clear all your doubts regarding MLA style. 

What is MLA Style?

If you expand the form ‘MLA’, you will get Modern Language Association. It was basically formed in the United States in the year 1883. The professionals invented this particular technique of writing to improve literary work and language. The first style MLA style of referencing was published in 1951. The current 9th edition of MLA style of referencing was modified in the year 2021. 

MLA style of referencing is a parenthetic style that is used mainly for in-text reference and it is used at the end of the sentence within which a reference of a particular work is given. In MLA style referencing footnotes or endnotes are not added, but in some cases, it is used just to give additional information about the work. 

Below our assignment writing service UAE experts have added some basic information regarding the MLA style of referencing. 

  • In-text reference
  • List of Works Cited


Journal Articles 

Newspapers or Magazines

Chapter of the Edited Book (if needed)

MLA Style of Online Resources

  • MLA Specific Formatting 
  • Online Resources in MLA Style 

In-text Reference Format

In in-text referencing format, you need to add all the information within the text. The detailed information about the source is then included in the list of works cited part. In MLA style of referencing you need to mention the last name of the author and the page number of the cited text. 

List of Works Cited

In MLA style of referencing, the list of references of the works is called ‘Works Cited’. Below we have added examples of various types of bibliographic posts that are generally used in literary works. Here you need to keep in mind that all the works should be enlisted in alphabetical order. 

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In MLA style of referencing, the entries of a book in the Work Cited part is mentioned below: 

Last name of the writer, his or her first name. Title of the book. Name of the publisher or demonstrator, year of publication or proclamation


Williamson, Katherine. Ridiculous Verse. Henry Publishers, 1985. 


  • Here you need to keep in mind that the title of the books is written in the italic form and all the words of the title except articles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc will start with a capital letter. 
  • In the name of the publisher, you need to mention the name of the publishing company. In some places, we find the place of publishing is also included, but in all the works that were published after 1900, there you don’t need to mention the place of its publication. 
  • In the Year of publication, you need to mention that particular year when the work is published. If you want to include the edition of the particular book, i.e. 1st edition, 2nd edition, and then you need to mention the year of that particular edition after the title of the book. In literature, all works seek the original date of publication while it is used in referencing style format. 

Sometimes we find a particular book is written by two or more than that authors, then we need to change the format slightly. 

If a particular work is written by two or more than that writers then you need to follow the below mentioned format.

First author’s last name, first author’s first name, and second author’s first and second name (subsequent author’s names will appear in normal order i.e. first name should be written first and last name in the last). 

For example: 

Morrison, Henry, and David Henry. Practicing New Era of Knowledge. University of Colombo Press, 1999. 

Journal or Articles

The MLA style of referencing style in the journal or article is like this: 

Last name of the scribe, first name of the scribe. ‘Title of the article. Journal title, Volume of the work, Issue, year of publication, page number. 

For example: 

Hamilton, Tomas. “Man and Destiny: Power, Fantasy, and the Best Version in Hamilton.” Feminism and Art, Vol. 8 no. 3, 1956, pp, 16-25. 


  • The title of the article always is written within quotation marks. 
  • The title of the journal must be written in an italic version. 
  • In the formatting style, the inclusive page number is written as pp. 

Newspapers or Magazines

The bibliographic entry in newspapers or magazines is slightly different in MLA style depending upon the type of items. 


Last name of the writer, first name of the writer. “Title of the article.” Title of the newspaper, Day, Month, and Year of publication, including the page numbers.


Hawkins, Munro. “The House of Mr. Ray.” Good Samaritan, November 2015, pp. 125-129. 


  • If the name of the author is not known, then you have to start the entry with the title of the article. 
  • Remember that the title of the article is written in quotation marks. 
  • The title of the newspapers or magazines is written in italic form. 
  • The first letter of the title must start with a capital letter except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. 
  • Include the date in date, months, and years – in this format. If it is a monthly publication, then no need to mention the date, mention only the month and year. 
  • If you want to include a single page number then write only p. and if the number of pages is more than one, then use pp. 
  • If the publications have been accessed online, then you need to mention the date of access. 

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Chapter in Edited Books

If a book is compiled from the articles of various sources, and an editor has accumulated all those chapters in a particular place and prepared it for publication then the references are made to a particular chapter in the edited volume, and the entry of the works must be cited under the names of the authors of that chapter. Below the format is given. 

Author’s last name, first name. ‘The name of the chapter’. Title of the Book, edited by (the name of the Editors), Publisher, Year of Publication, Inclusive page numbers. 


Morison, James. “Petrona Johansen: Master of Artistic View.” Imaginary Work of Art: Recognized Edition, edited by C. Paulo and William J. Maverick, University Press of Royal, 1985, pp. 195-225.


  • Remember that you need to write ‘edited by’ before the name of the editor or editors. 
  • Here you need to mention the page number of the article or the name of the book or chapter in the quoted part. 

Before starting writing, you need to check all the format clearly and then use it in your writing. 


I hope the above mentioned information will help you to understand the MLA style of referencing in detail. If you still have any kind of doubt or need some assistance before applying this in your writing, you can consult our assignment expert online who will solve all your trouble regarding all kinds of assignments. For more updates, you can visit our official website where you will get all the information in detail. I will surely give you additional benefits while you are working on an assignment. Just login our website and place your order now.

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