How a College Essay Can be Written in MLA Format?


Are you a college goer? Are you searching for essay writing in MLA format? Then this girl is going to be apt for you; here present our essay writing helper will guide you regarding the MLA format of essay writing. I hope it would be apt for the college-going students. 

What is an Essay?

An essay is a short piece of writing through which writers outline their own point of view regarding a particular topic. 

Throughout the course of study, students get various types of essays. In such cases, the content of various types of essay writing is not the same. So, for a student knowing all the formatting styles is not possible. Different types of essay writing maintain different formatting skills. Formatting an essay correctly is not only essential for the students, besides this, they must make it unique because professors go through hundreds of essays, so, if you write an ordinary essay, you will not get extra benefit in scoring high. So, to make a clear distinction in academics, you need to make such writing that will increase your marks in a particular semester. 

As students get the guidelines, they come to know whether their professors prefer APA style or MLA style of writing. If you are not sure about the style of formatting, then must ask your teacher before starting writing. If you follow the correct formatting style, it will impress your professors and give you the benefit of scoring high. While working on an essay you must have a clear view of the MLA style of formatting and be sure that you are applying those properly in your essay writing. Below our thesis writing help experts have listed all of the rules and guidelines for properly formatting an essay in MLA style. While using the format in your writing be sure that you are using the latest MLA style. 

How to Format an Essay in MLA Style?

Headers and Number of Pages

In MLA style of essay writing, at first, you need to include your last name then give space and add the page number. This particular section must be in the upper right corner of your page. It appears at the right-hand margin and gives a half-inch space. You need to follow the format on every page. There are some institutions that prefer to add the header section at the left corner of the first page. So, before start writing ask your teachers what style they prefer and work accordingly. 


  • Your Last Name
  • Page Number 


  • Upper right corner
  • Try it on every page
  • Close to the right margin of your page
  • ½ inch space from the top

Information of the Essay

In the MLA style of essay writing, you don’t need to make a separate cover page. In this case, also, you must ask your instructor before making this, and if they say you need to provide it then make a cover page, otherwise not. If your instructors say you don’t need to make a separate cover page then add all the information about the essay in the upper left-hand corner of the front page of your writing. Here you need to mention your first name, the name of your educator, the name of the course, and the date. Next, add the title just followed by the date and from the next line, you may start writing your essay. 


Information of Essay in MLA Style

If your teachers seek no separate cover page then follow the below-mentioned format:

On the first page:

Your Name

Educator’s Name

Name of the Course


Title: The first letter of your title should be in Capital 


All the information should be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page with doubled space 

The title should be in the middle of the page and just after the date and before the beginning of your essay. 

For example: 

Williamson 1

Kane Williamson

Fab Peterson 

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Keep in mind that the above-mentioned information should be placed only on the front page. Sometimes students placed all this information in the header section, and as a result, all information started appearing on every page. So, before start working keep all those things in mind. 

Read this Article too:- How to Make Attractive Cover Page in Word? Process of Making Customize An Individual Fields?

Margin, Space, and Font Style

MLA style of essay writing requires a particular margin, space, and font. On every page, you need to set a one-inch margin on all sides. You can use font sizes 10 to 13, or you must ask your teachers before start writing on it. While choosing your font size, keep in mind that your words must be readable by everyone. Throughout the whole writing you need to maintain double space between the lines, and at the end of every punctuation give only one space. 

Works Cited Pages in MLA Style of Essay Writing

In every form of MLA style of writing, you need to add a cited page where you need to list all the sources at the end of your writing. But to include this particular part in your writing, you must follow some guidelines that are mentioned below. 

  • The cited page must be written using double space. Keep in mind that you will use only one font throughout the whole writing. No need to make any part of the writing bold, italic, or underlined format, and no need to resize the font. 
  • Don’t start the works cited page just after the end of the concluding part. Always take a new page and begin your cited page there. The title ‘Works Cited’ should be placed at the Centre of the page, but don’t make it bold, underline, or no need to keep it in the quotation. If you have only one source for citing then write ‘Work Cited’ and for more than one work, write ‘Works Cited’. 
  • All the individual citations must be written in alphabetical order. Sometimes we find we need to include more than one work of the same author, then we need to arrange the name of the works (i.e. books, works, or articles) alphabetically. The author’s name must be written in MLA format where you need to write the author’s last name first, then the first name. 

Read this Article too:- How to Increase the Length of the Essay? How Many Words Is Considered A Long Essay?

For example: 

Williamson, Kane. An Immortal Story. 1945. 

  • Each full citation must be written on the left margin and there you need to maintain lines indented by .5 inches. 
  • A full citation must follow all the information arranged in a proper way so that readers can find the original text easily. here you need to mention the below-mentioned information 

Author’s full name

Title of the Work (i.e. chapter, article, etc) in quotation marks. 

Title of the larger work (i.e. name of the book, newspaper, magazine, etc) in Italic form. 

Page numbers of the work

Information about the publisher

Date of publishing. 

  • Add the URL and permalink of the work that is available online. 


I hope the above-mentioned information will give you adequate information regarding how to write a college essay in MLA format. If you still have any doubt you can ask our need assignment help in Australia experts who are always there for you and I can assure you that they will solve all your trouble regarding all types of academic assignments. Login our website and place your order now.

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