How Many References Should You Have in a 10000 Words Dissertation?


Sometimes dissertation is also known as a thesis in some countries. This term is used only for the PhD degree assignments. A dissertation is a related project completed as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. A dissertation gives chance to students for presenting their research information in response to a question. The purpose of the dissertation project is to test the independent research skills of students. At the university level, the assessment is used to help for assignment to determine their final grade. Usually, there are some guidelines from your tutors to do dissertation projects independently. For most students, this will be the longest, most difficult and most important academic writing completed at the university level. It requires months of preparation. If you are very passionate about the choice of topic the dissertation writing can be very interesting. It is a good idea to be sure about selecting a subject you are interested in.

There are two types of dissertations. However, it depends on your course study.

The Two Types of Dissertations Are Empirical and Non-Empirical

  • Empirical Dissertation – Empirical dissertations are the kind of dissertation that are involved gathering data like a psychology degree. It may be meant to be put into practice professionally and other guidelines when collecting data from various sources. Empirical dissertations subject are natural and life science subjects or can be entirely centered on laboratory work.
  • Non-empirical Dissertations – These types of dissertations are based on existing data and arguments in the work of others. It means spending a lot of time with your head in a book. You may need to be sure about you do not just describe what others are saying. Always analyzes this dissertation works critically and explore its practical application.

The structure and breakdown of the dissertation is the first thing that you have to look for when starting writing a dissertation. If you have a clear idea about the word count of every chapter in a dissertation it can make your dissertation writing task very easy. The structure and breakdown of the 10000 word count are very important. You have to design a dissertation building because it gives you with base for writing a dissertation. It is a fact that the total word count and construction for a dissertation vary from subject to subject. It also varies on different educational levels like PhD, master’s, and undergraduate. Every institution has its requirements and guidelines regarding dissertation writing. When you are asked to write a dissertation of 10000 words your instructor will provide you with a dissertation template. In this dissertation template, the complete details of the structure of the dissertation will be presented.

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How Long Should An Introduction be for a 10000 Words Dissertation?

The first chapter of your dissertation writing is known as an introduction. The introductory chapter of a dissertation consists of 10% of the total dissertation. If you are going to write a dissertation of 10000 words, the introduction part of that dissertation should consist of at least 1000 words. Among these 1000 words you have to establish your research topic, state your research question and answers, state the objectives and provide an outline of the structure of that dissertation.

How Many References You Should Use for 10000 Words Dissertation?

Students are needed to back their writing with proper references to avoid plagiarism. Generally, no limitations are set for the number of references by your institutions. The number of references should depend on the literature available on a certain topic. Do not miss any research papers in your subject area. You need to authenticate the latest references that need for your research topic. You need journals, books, research papers and other sources published before for your literature review chapter.

To add references in your dissertation writing is very much important. Its reasons are that these references will tell the readers that you have carefully reviewed the literature relevant to your subject area. Now you are going to contribute something special to the academic community. These resources of references are very helpful for students to establish the credibility and authority of a dissertation. You can distinguish your work with the help of assignment help Kuala Lumpur. Here I provide complete guidance about selecting references for your dissertation.

Many Factors are Influencing University Students to Use References in Their Dissertation Writing. Those Factors are as Follows

  • First of all the counting of references used for your dissertation depends upon the aim of that dissertation writing.  If you are going to make a dissertation on existing literature, the references of your dissertation should be very exhaustive and the dissertation on which you have to focus on the findings of the authors.
  • The subjects of the dissertation matter a lot. Because the subjects are also selected the numbers of references have to include in your dissertation. When you are going to write a dissertation relevant to a new field you will find some sources to write in the references list of the dissertation. If you have found a field that has many resources you can find lots of published papers and can include lots of resources in your dissertation.
  • When preparing the references list for the dissertation you need to remember the requirements of your institution. Sometimes your department imposes some implications and limitations on using references. If you face this type of situation you have to follow the requirements of your department.
  • When lots of research papers are published about your topic of the dissertation, you can find lots of points to discuss in your dissertation.
  • At the last time, the length of the dissertation matters very much when selecting the number of resources to use in your dissertation. In 10000 words dissertation, the number of references should be greater than the number of resources used in the 20000 words dissertation. Statistics regarding the use of references and citations in your dissertation are also important.
  • When you are going to write your dissertation on ecology, the average numbers of resources per page that have to be used in an ecology dissertation are six. On each page, you have to write 250 words so in 10000 words dissertation you need to write at least 40 pages. The total number of resources to be used in 10000 words dissertation should be 240.
  • The average number of resources to be used for in mathematics dissertation is one to two per page. In 10000 words dissertation, there will be 40 pages and the references will be 40 to 80.

While using references in your dissertation you have to notice some essential techniques.

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Some Dos and Don’ts of Using References for Your Dissertation are Given Below

  • You do not have to repeat the same references in the list of your dissertation writing.
  • You should be very attentive when using old references in your dissertation. You cannot cite a source in your dissertation writing which are 5 or 6 years old.
  • You do not have to provide a reference from any resources in the references list already present in your dissertation.
  •  If you are writing your academic dissertation in the form of a qualitative research paper you should include a few resources.     

How Long Should a Literature Review be a 10000 Words Dissertation?

The literature of the dissertation consists of 30% of the total dissertation. In 10000 words dissertation, the lengths of the literature review chapter of your dissertation have to be 3000 words. In these 3000 words, you must address the gap in the literature and take a methodological approach to your dissertation topic. Always solve the unsolved questions and try to strengthen the existing knowledge relevant to your dissertation topic.

How Many Words Should be Present in the Findings or Results of Your 10000 Words Dissertation?

The findings or results chapter of a dissertation requires 5% of the total dissertation. In 10000 words dissertation, the findings or results section should be 500 words. You must provide a depth analysis of the results of your dissertation in these 500 words.

How Long will be Your Conclusion On a 10000 Words Dissertation?

The conclusion chapter of a dissertation is very important because the conclusion chapter is the end of your dissertation. We know that the ending of any task has to be flawless and it will enhance your total writing. A conclusion or recommendation chapter consists of 10% of the total dissertation. So for 10000 words, dissertation the conclusion of a dissertation consists of 1000 words. You have to summarize the most crucial points of your dissertation in these 1000 words. This last section of your dissertation gives a clear understanding of the main argument of your dissertation.

From the upper description you may understand that dissertation writing is a very important part of your academic life. The word limitations of your dissertation will be 10000, 12000, 500, or more than that. But references have an attractive role in dissertation writing.

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