How To Cite An Image? Types Of Image Citation


Have you ever wondered that citing images also follows some technique? If you have not followed this technique earlier while composing your material, then it is high time to check this and get benefited through it.

What is Citing Images?

Image citation is such a technique that should include some information at a minimum such as Title, name of the creator, repository information such as museum, some institution, company, library etc. while doing this you should keep in mind you have to mention the source of your image such as website, books, magazines, database, postcard or other source from where you are picking the image.

Types of Image citation:

There are mainly three types of image citation present which we use in our writing. They are: MLA Style, APA style and Chicago style of image citing.

MLA Style

To create a citation for an image found on a website in MLA style, what you have to keep in mind are:

  • At first mention the name of the creator of the image
  • Mention the website from where you have collected the image
  • The title of the image
  • If possible try to mention the version of the image
  • The publisher who made the image
  • Try to mention the name of the date in which it was uploaded
  • The address i.e. URL where the image is available

Besides keeping these in mind, there are other guidelines too.

  • If you found the image has no title or description of the image, then no need to place the information within a quotation mark or in italics.
  • If you found a picture using Google chrome, then do not mention Google as the publisher, instead of that, right click on the image and gather information from the website that owns the picture.

APA Style

This is also a popular technique of image citation. An APA image citation technique includes the owner’s name, the year of publication, the title of the image and format and the location where the image is available.
When you use an image or photo in your material, as well as citing the source, you should present it as a figure and include copyright or permission information.

Chicago Style

In Chicago style image citing, it is recommended to just cite images in notes and omit them from the bibliography. List the image in your bibliography if you use it frequently.

How to cite an artwork from a museum?

When you are viewing an artwork in person at a museum or in a gallery or in other institutions, you have to provide information about the institutions that possess it. Don’t forget to add the URL of the museum if it is available.

How to citing images through Online

In case of online images, mention the name of the site where you found it and the IRL too. Try to give the link of the image if possible, as it may be difficult for many to locate the information from other information given.

What to do in case of Missing Information?

It is sometimes found to be hard to gather accurate information about a particular image accessed online. If you don’t have adequate information then try looking for an alternate source of the image, check the image sites that provide reliable information on their images.

What to do if an image does not possess any information?

If you need to cite an image with no information like the author, date, year of publication, title etc, then you must include a description of  the image in square brackets, where the title usually goes. If there is no date mentioned in the image, then add no date in place of date and you can add the date on which you accessed the image.
In cases where the owner is not mentioned, you can use the title or description instead of the name of the author.

Location or Source

Do you know location also matters in case of citing images? Location information includes the name of the place. It may be a state, city or province like India, Australia etc. try to omit the name of the state or province if not applicable.
If you are citing an image from a hardcopy it may be a book, magazine, journal, newspaper etc, you have to mention the name of the print source where the image first appeared.
The title of a figure should be written immediately above the image. Below the image if possible add further details regarding its authorship and the medium, information of copyright permission or necessary details regarding it.

Conclusion: by reading this blog you will get a clear idea of citing images from websites. If you still have queries regarding it, you can take help from our assignment help experts. They are very skilled and provide various kinds of help to students for the last few years. For more updates log on to our official website then check the necessary information of hiring them.

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