English Language Techniques, The Most Helpful Techniques to Learn in Australia


If you wish to learn English techniques, and if you do not have enough time to learn those techniques, this blog will be the best choice for you. Here you will learn different English techniques that will make a good quality assignment. We can define English techniques as the kind of process that is used by a writer to improve the value of a thing. Before telling more about the English techniques we are informing you that GotoAssignmentHelp a renowned company has started their assignment and dissertation writing service for academic students. We are providing the best assignment writing experts for students through GotoAssignmentHelp.

At first, you have to understand, “what are English techniques.” English techniques are defined by some names and you have to understand all the inner meanings of those names. The types of English techniques –

  1. Allegory
  2. Metaphor
  3. Allusion
  4. Verse
  5. Assonance
  6. Truncated sentence
  7. Characterization
  8. Zeugma
  9. Foil
  10. Tone
  11. Genre
  12. Symbol
  13. Motif
  14. Sarcasm
  15. Onomatopoeia
  16. Metonymy
  17. Stream of consciousness
  18. Juxtaposition
  19. Parody
  20. Foreshadowing
  21. Satire
  22. Imagery
  23. Pathetic fallacy
  24. Pun
  25. Simile

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Below we are describing each type of these techniques and also will give an example of a sentence by uses those techniques

  • Allegory: An allegory means a type of text that is used to communicate political circumstances. It has different importance past the exciting one.

Example: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

  • Metaphor: A metaphor is a relation between two things. It is a figure of speech that denotes a kind of idea used in a place of another to suggest an analogy between them.

Example: “I am drowning in a sea of grief.”

  • Allusion: The word allusion comes from a Latin word. The allusion is used as a straightforward device to improve a text by providing further meaning. It is implied to a person, event, or thing of another text.

Example: “If I’m not home by midnight, my car might turn into a pumpkin.”

  • Verse:  Verse is a style of English writing where the structure of writing is as significant as the content itself. We can also explain verse as a style of writing that is arranged in short lines with a regular rhythm of poetry. There are two types of verse blank verse and free verse.

Example: “Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though;”

  • Assonance: An assonance is used to make a poem with music and softness. These music and softness make the poem a romantic, longing mood of the line. Assonance is the reiteration of the vowel sounds inside a sentence. Assonance is generally found in poetry.

Example: “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”

  • Truncated Sentence: Writers use truncated sentences in a sort of alternate way when the remainder of the importance of the sentence can be inferred. So, a truncated is a version that has been shortened.

Example: “They will make a pie.”

  • Characterization: Characterization is how a writer depicts a character in the total content. So, characterization is the act of describing characters or important features. A writer passes the theory of a character by the process of characterization.

Example: “Everybody knew Bagheera, and nobody cared to cross his path, for he was as cunning as Tabaqui, as bold as the wild buffalo, and as reckless as the wounded elephant.”

  • Zeugma: Zeugma is the literary term in which the writer uses a word that has many implications for different expressions in the same sentence. Zeugma is a word to modify other words in different ways.

Example: “He broke her car and her heart.”

  • Foil: A character who carries on the route in contrast with various characters in a book called a foil. The individual foil can frequently be the hero’s dear companion or relative.

Example: “God and Satan”, “Sherlock and Watson”, “Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.”

  • Tone: Tone is a way that reflects the writer’s attitude about a character. A tone can be positive or negative. It can be different things like sarcastic, light-hearted, nostalgic, or respectful.

Example: “The way I look at it, someone needs to start doing something about the disease.”

  • Genre: Genre means the classification of literature based on the type of writing content. Disposition, style, tone, and subject contribute to the genre. The most popular genre is fiction, Nonfiction, Drama, Poetry, and folktale.

Example: Many of Edgar Allen Poe’s works are frightful stories.

  • Symbol: The English techniques of using symbols found in some classic things like certain blossoms, hues, nourishments, and the climate.

Example: “Tortoises can symbolize perseverance.

  • Motif: Motif is an English technique that is marginally grounded because it happens more than once.

Example: “Throughout a story, there is surprisingly bad weather- snow, freezing rain, and even a tornado.”

  • Sarcasm: Sarcasm is the utilization of words of irony to mock or convey contempt.

Example: “I made the genius choice of selling my car right before I decided to move.”

  • Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia is the act of creating words that include similar sounds to the noises.

Example: “The acorn plopped into the puddle.”

  • Metonymy: A metonymy is a form of English technique by which a word is replaced by something very close to the actual meaning.

Example: “Lend me your ear-which means listen to me.”

  • Stream of consciousness: It is a style of writing to mirror how a writer thinks inside the head. Stream of consciousness disregards linguistic structure.

Example: On my way to record this video, I didn’t think “Ah, now I am walking to the library. When I get there, I will say good morning to the videographer, and then begin recording. I hope it goes well.”

  • Juxtaposition: It means two different ideas that are placed close to one another. A component of the story of the writing shows by juxtaposition.

Example: All’s fair in love and war.

  • Parody: A parody duplicates the style of other content and it is a humorous imitation of something, using the same form as the original.

Example: Charlie Chaplin impersonated Hitler in the film “The Great Dictator.”

  • Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is an indication of something that will happen in the future. In this technique, the creator says about something that will be more significant later in the story.

Example: “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  • Satire: It is the comedic criticism of someone’s weakness to cause a specific issue. There is a difference between satire and parody.

Example: Alice in Wonderland is a novel by Lewis Carroll that satirizes the corrupt political and judicial system of Victorian England.

  • Imagery: When a writer use language to bring out one of the five faculties in a descriptive way.

Example: “The kitten’s fur is milky.”

  • Pathetic fallacy: It is a literary term that attributes human characteristics to nonhumans. A pathetic fallacy is a figure of speech that is a kind of personification.

Example: Nature abhors a vacuum.

  • Pun: A pun is a figure of speech that usually humorous use of a word in a process to suggest two or more meanings of another word similar in sound.

Example: A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.

  • Simile: A simile has a relation between two same things that utilize words.

Example: As cold as ice.

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So, this is a brief analysis of English Techniques, And the most helpful Techniques to learn in Australia. If you like our website then take the online assignment help service of GotoAssignmentHelp. It surely will be a wise decision for students. Just check our website review and order now.

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