What Do You Mean by Persuasive Speech Outline?


Do you know what persuasive speech actually is? If not, then in this blog we are going to discuss what it actually is and why it is important?


A Persuasive speech is such a type of speech that is spoken with the intention to convince the audience to believe or to do something. The whole process would be virtually. It may be organ donation, voting, maintaining hygiene and social distancing, and wearing masks and so on.

We can tell a persuasive speech successfully only when it is able to convince the audience of your opinion and point of view and it must be a trustworthy and knowledgeable speech that you want to convince your audience.

How to convince strangers and how to make a bridge of connection with them?

For the first time when you are representing your opinion towards the mass of the audience, you may feel it is a difficult job because handling the mass belonging to different sections of society is really very difficult.

Here are some tips for you which you should keep in mind before delivering a speech:


Preparation plays a crucial role before preparing any speech. At first think twice and make your point clear that you want to note down in your copy. And your motif should be clear to you i.e. what do you want to achieve by convincing the audience. It will help you to organize your thoughts and arrange it in such a way that will not feel the audience bored.

Before preparing the speech at first try to know about the audience i.e. what they want to know, if they are least interested to know about your speech then plan according to their will.

While preparing your speech, you should keep in mind about

  • Their age group
  • From where they belong
  • Religious background
  • Gender
  • Their common problems, habits, beliefs, interests etc.

The above-mentioned factors are necessary to keep in mind while making speech. If you want to convince the audience about a topic of common interest, for example: school dropout, then you should begin your speech with a story of your childhood, how you struggled during that time, how education has changed your life, what is the impact of education among the masses etc. These will attract the parents more.

What are the 3 main approaches to persuade a mass?

While you are approaching a mass, you have to keep in mind about the three main things i.e.  

  1. Pathos
  2. Ethos
  3. Logos

Pathos represents the type of persuasion when you are delivering your speech related to audiences’ emotion. For example: try to tell them a story which is related to a character who suffered much in his/her lifetime and finally gained victory that made him/her a superhero or heroine in the eyes of the audience.

Ethos represents the approach in which you are appealing to the audience’s ethics and moral values. Such as, you may tell the residents of the forest that what to do and what not to save the environment such as stop practicing shifting cultivation, try to adopt scientific methods for improving their livelihood etc.

The last one, logos represents logic. While preparing a speech you should keep in mind that your speech must be based on logic and facts. You will make the audience understand what is right and what is false and to prove your opinion you have to represent the logic towards it and it should be in such a way that the audience may feel that only your opinion is logically correct one.

Here are some persuasive speech outline ideas for you:

  • Structure: your opening and closing speech are the most important one. It is the most important thing while making your persuasive speech. Your opening speech must be attractive and it must give some positive ideas to catch audiences’ attention. You can represent it by saying an attention grabbing statement or some facts. These may give a dramatic feel to the audience.

Or you may start your speech with the common characteristics that you possess like the audience. It is very helpful to grab their attention.

  • You have to represent your argument in such a way that is well researched and not purely based on your opinion. To prove your point of view you can use those stories through which the audience can easily relate more to your topic.
  • Your closing line of speech is the last chance for you to convince your audience for the last time. Do not lose this opportunity. The most effective persuasive speech ends with a call to action i.e. if you are talking about school dropouts and education of children, then you can tell your audience to register the name of their offspring with age, so that it may help the institutions to take necessary steps for their wellbeing.

Conclusion: After reading the blog, I hope you will get an outline about how to make a persuasive speech. If you still have doubts regarding this you may take help from our assignment assistance experts. For more updates log on to our official website GotoAssignmentHelp.com and see the necessary details regarding hiring them.

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